Tuesday, February 22, 2011


actually i got a different idea to post today but then i read one of my friend's blog and got a new idea which i really would like you guys to ponder about. although my idea before i read my friend's blog is crystal clear, i'm still looking for words to explain it. so today i gonna talk about something else that suddenly come cross my mind.lol

so.....[translating my words into BM]...time korang baca tajuk entry neh mesti korang boleh agak bunyi apemende tu..alaa yang biase korang buat time korang penat giler or tensen dengan hidup korang. Antara bunyi yang bersamaan dengan ayt 2 adalah alah, adui, hish, argh and so on...mbbekk xtermasuk eh..haha

maka hari ini mari kita membincangkan tentang mengeluh.so kawan-kawan...mari kita pikir sejenak kenapa kita mengeluh apabila berhadapan dengan sesuatu yg sukar ataupon pape masalah.
antara yang ak dapat pikirlah kan..urmm.. adakah cabaran yg dilalui itu tidak mampu diselesaikan atau pown aku rasakan diri ni tak mampu tok menghadapi semua itu? so korang tolong pikir alasan laen..pastu bagitau ak sebab die..

sebenarnya kan bg aku xde sebab pown, kerana seperti yang kita tau, Allah tidak sama sekali memberikan sesuatu ujian atau cabaran kepada hambanya jika kita tidak mampu menghadapinya. so pe yg kita tempuhi stiap hari adalah ujian yg kita mampu buat.

setiap insan dilahirkan kekurangan dan kelebihan tersendiri, setiap org mempunyai cabaran dan adventure tersendiri dalam hidup. xpercaye? cube korang tengok sekeliling korang, kalo korang perhatikan betol-betol setiap org sebok menghadapi cabaran hidup mereka tersendiri. time korang pikir, aduh penatnya la ak hari ni, da la de 3xem, hmwk berlambak kerja rumah lagi and blablabla..time korang mengeluh sndri penah x korang pndang langit tgk kiri kanan korang?

kalo korang mengeluh korang berhenti jap then tengok sekeliling korang. stiap mahkluk kat muka bumi neh ade cabaran masing-masing. ade korang nmpak burung mengeluh pastu duk diam je kat sarang die? xdekan..haha..burung tu lagi lah.. stiap hri berjuang untok hidup mencari mknan pagi2 buta...lg susah dorgnye hdup..ttbe cri makan burung helang sambar dorg..da kne makan..kiok tros...setakat mengeluh buat hmwk yg insyallah klo bukan ajal korang memang x akan mati buat 2 kenapalah kita nak mengeluh..

so my points is, janganlah mengeluh dalam hidup korang neh, jadilah seorang yang optimistik, rancanglah hidup dengan sebaiknya dan enjoy setiap detik hidup korang. percayalah klo korang sntiasa berfikir positif nescaya smua korang wat itu mudah.(wah ayat) so muhasabah la diri, dan setiap kali korang mengeluh korang cubalah berfikiran positif. bila kita sntiasa berfikiran positif percayalah 24hours per day will be not enough to enjoy your life's adventure. ak xske mengeluh utp ak kadang-kadang suke menyesal x buat smua mende yang aku mampu dalam hidup aku...huhu.

ps: Be Optimistic but do not take it for granted in life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Awesome Trip & Losing My Sentimental

Yeah today had been my greatest day in 2011 because i had done one of the adventurous activities that i must do in this year.

hence to make sure you guy appreciate, feel and imagine the fun that i experienced i'll write this post in Malay. so for those who doesnt understand the language please go to google translate..haha

aku sebenarnye dari bulan december tahun lepas lagi nak pergi maen snowboard neh tapi oleh sebab kekangan masa dan duit aku terpaksa menahan nafsu snowboard ini.

Belleayre Mountain, NY ski treks

Tetapi akhirnya trip ke Belleayre Mountain, NY ini, aku berjaya juga melunaskan keinginan aku ni.. actually mende-mende pasal snowboard ini ak bkn tau sgt..but surely not exactly with zero kwowledge la..sebab ak tau snowboarding neh bile korang ikat kaki kat papan pastu gelonsor turun bukit yang penuh dengan salji tetapi beware eh kawan-kawan, ianya adalah amat berbeza skali yang macam kat malaysia tu. yang mana kita maen gelonsor pkai daun pokok kelapa tu turun bukit or orang tolong tarik. tetapi ak nak terang kat korg pown aku tak expert lg psl terms2 or rule die neh..klo korangg nk tau sangat meh bace bawah neh.

  1. regular: orang yang meletakkan kaki kiri as a front leg ketike snowboarding
  2. goofy: orang yang meletakkan kaki kanan as a front leg ketike snowboarding. kirenye org goofy ni mungkin dapat pahala sunat ketike meluncur tu sebab mendahulukan kaki kanan. oh ye, aku goofy.
  3. heel: cara mengawal board menggunakan tumit
  4. toe: cara mengawal board menggunakan jari which means bukan jari-jari 2 yang gerak, tapi kite bagi pressure kat bahagian hadapan kaki kite supaya board tersebut dapat dikawal. same goes with heel tadi
  5. trail: laluan snowboard tu la kan(from easy to expert-> green, blue,black & double black)
*informasi diambil dari mantol sebab kemalasan dan kesakitan tangan untuk menulis..haha

so korang dah paham pasal snowboard neh meh aku cite sikit pengalaman pertama aku maen snowboard neh..oleh sebab ak rase aku ni terer la jugak dan aku adalah budak HACC *pressure dowh jd dak HACC..xpectation org tggi sgt..haha aku pown cube tok bermain seperti pro tanpa mengambil lesson yg spatutnya dahulu...tapi dengan bantuan ak punye sifu BO aka Nabil no. 2 *ko mesti kembang en klo bce neh, ak berjaye belajar dengan jayanya skil-skil snowboard ni..

so setelah belajar secara teori smua skil-skil tu maka ak mulakan lah praktikalnya dengan meletakkan objektif, misi dan visi yang sepatutnya tok pro macam aku neh..haha

visi dan misi:
  1. belajar mengelak kesakitan yg amat sangat ketika bersnowboarding
  2. meluncur dengan jayanya di laluan green
  3. mengelak daripada tackle 4 org sekali semasa meluncur.

so setelah pelbagai skil-skil yg telah dikeluarkan dan dipaksa oleh graviti, aku telah berjaya mencapai visi & misi aku akhirnya dengan membawa blik buah tangan yg aku xpasti smpai bile aku merasanya *skang jalan pown da terkankang-kankang...cakap je la skil ape yang korang nak. semua ak dah buat: kuak lentang, diving, flip flop, flip high, backflip..smua r..tapi yg terbaik skali adalah diving..mmg putih la jadi muke aku makan snow..tp bak kate org la kan..no pain no gain rite?. at least aku berjaya mencapai visi dan misi aku kan..

dan oleh sebab ak rase pain die 2 masih x berbaloi for the gain, dengan beraninya aku pown try green trek dimana ak berjaya menambah skil-skil aku..memang terbaiklah..keseronakkan meluncur zig zag dengan kelajuan yg tggi dan membuat skil-skil yg baru tiada kata yang dapat digambarkan. bak kate sifu aku, *ko jgn tkot dgn kelajuan, sebenarnya kelajuan tu bagos..mmg bagos la..berbaloi aku rase pain ak apabila meluncur dengan laju.

tetapi malangnya dan membuatkan ak berasa hilang kesoronokan apabila sedang mencuba skil yg baru then accidentally my sentimental hand phone dropped somewhere from my pocket..maka dengan rase sedih dan kecamuknya aku mendaki dan cuba untuk menjejaki handphone yang tercicir tadi.

betol2 anti klimaks punye tragedi..abis smua gmbr keseronokan snowboarding hilang bersama handphone sentimental aku..malang tidak berbau sungguh..ku sangka cerah hingga ke petang, rupa-rupanya snow plak time bersnowboading. hish..abeh hilang semua kenangan2 yang lepas dan nilai sentimentalnya..hurmmmmmm (T.T)...sory guys xdapat bg gambar..maybe next time :(

anyway, this trip surely is not my last trip..misi dan visi seterusnya adalah double black..lol

PS:todays moral value guys...no pain no gain & dont give up even you managed to try many painful skills..urm kawan-kawan nak bli snowboard ke tak eh?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Saya Dah Besar Dah

That are the word that i'm always say whenever my parents treating me as a child.
yeah it's true that they always want the best from me and hope me to be the best son. well actually im always be the best son..haha..because im the only one son that they have.:P

but be the only son and getting older, here comes the great responsibility.

so now as i already 21 years old i have been thinking what will i do in my sweet 21.well isn't sweet when you became 21 years old? of coz you can drink in the bar, go clubbing and so on without worrying any legal action. it is legal age for you to do everything..maximum happiness+dosa..haha. but as i said before getting older doesn't mean you can do anything in your life because it will comes with greater responsibility. like in the spiderman movie "with the great power comes the great responsibility"..*ade kena mengena ke?

lawa en :)

anyway, just wanna say thanks you all for the wishes. especially to my family and her..I love you allz lah..

Ps:now i can vote in the next election and "mak nak kawen boleh?"..haha

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Egypt: Where the World is Heading Now?

it has been more than a week since the protest in Egypt marched in the Tahrir Square demanding the 30 years old in power Egypt president to leave the government. This kind of turmoil is not only happening in Egypt but also happening in some of the country in middle east asking the government to reform.

it is really interesting how all this event triggered by the revolution in Tunisia. What i would like to emphasize is not the situation in Egypt because i have no knowledge the 'real 'situation there but i 'll telling you what i have been thinking since this event occurred and what would be happened to the world as the people in middle east rise to fight for their rights.

i could say that this revolutions are mostly because of the lack of government' s integrity and responsibility. The socio-economy marginalization had been the major factor that cause people, mostly young people to go protest calling for change in the government. the poor becomes poorer, the rich become richer which cause uneven distribution of economy cake.

The growing protest in the Egypt as far as i concern is not only because of the tyranny being in power for decades but the increasing of unemployment rate, raising food and fuel price and the others increasing economic and social problems in that country. i believe what people want are the reformation of politic and economic structure so that here will be a better future for them.

this mideast revolutions could be viewed as a reflection of people revolutions in 1940s to 1970s in most country in Asia. On that day, people in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and etc. awoke to fight for their freedom from imperialism. People suddenly realized that government or that time 'imperialists' oppressed the citizen, used and exploited them to gather their own 'gold' and denied people rights, education and economy opportunity.

but today people are fighting for their freedom from a new kind of power or colonialism. today there are no more physically settlements and political control in the colonized countries but there are mentally presence in the government by controlling the people minds. the objective is still the same although the tools are different, it is to get everything that they want. Guess guys, what is today's tools to conquer one country? yeah. it is what in your mind. mass media control.

Now as most of the citizens in Mideast wake up and asking for reformations, this new kind of power becoming afraid and paranoid to this uprising of people. With no strong proves and arguments, they are trying to stop the uprising and denying democracy. this new power is using their influential and tools, try to establish what they want by install the people who will support their ideology and needs by being their puppet . but, today it can be seen that they have no control over this new event and this is what they are afraid of.

the current movement is still ambiguous for the world . the directions and the effects of the movement still could not be foreseen but at least im happy that there are some changes in the Mideast and really hope it will lead the world to a better future.

ps: "Truly, God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

UMNO and freemind

what is the first thing comes to your mind when you see the title above. do you think this post is related to some political or freethinker views?. indeed, it is related to politic and freethinker but it is not like you have in your mind. here i don't want to talk about politics or Freemason etc.. but i just want to share with you guys the wonderful thought and ideas in the 'alif ba ta' program organized by NY/NJ UMNO club so that you guys can longing for a free minds. iIwill explain a few inputs that I got from this event and will gives some of my opinion regarding the topic.

The first session given by dr Waleed is about mind of muslim. He mentioned that a muslim with a free mind comes with a mindset that prioritize Allah and messenger, Rasulullah SAW. so for those who does not know what is mindset, you all should take a note now (pergi amek kertas pen cepat)..so the mindset is a fixed mental attitude that govern our intention when we approach a situation ( hope you guys can understand that..haha). He also said that every action of muslim must be doing for the sake of Allah which means everything we do is because we want to seek Allah pleasure. the next thing that he mentioned is about faith. the faith is the great thing in ones mindset but people always assume that a person that have a strong faith in religion could not enjoy his/her life and need to act like ustaz or ustazah. that is totally not true guys..enjoy our life by following our faith is the best way to enjoy our life.. and of course mindset must be follow by action..bak kate pepatah melayu la kan xsalah ak"walk the talk".. a muslim must be creative in what he is thinking and doing so that we find the easiest way to get closer to Allah.
creatively thinking the way to get closer to Allah guys!!

what the most creative way to get closer to Allah is by reminding each other ..that is"amar makruf nahi mungkar". futhermore as a muslim we must always ask ourselves what we have done for Allah and always be thankful and say alhamdullilah~burlp.. for everything we get in this life.

so lets open our heart and mind to be a free mind muslim. In my opinion, i believe that a free mind of a muslim is started by the heart itself, because from the heart it will comes to the mind. and everything we do is indeed comes from our heart,which in malay we called it 'niat'. niat is a very important for us to be a free mind muslim. a free mind muslim is ones who knows to distinguish between the right or wrong. like dr. waleed said before a mindset must be follow by action and it is the same for a free mind muslim. a free mind muslim must creatively think and find knowledge. knowledge not only need to be understand but also need to be applied in our everyday life. what i would like to emphasize is that a free mind muslim must be eager and creative to search for knowledge in this world. For me, besides the experiences, the knowledge is one of important tools that will help us to free our mind. and of coz to get closer to Allah and messenger.

Apart of that, dr. bakri which i respect not only because his knowledge but also because of his personality, also said in the next session, in order for someone to be a free mind he must first realize that he/she is being under the coconut shell..realization is very important first step because without it ones could not change his mind. When we realized that we are being trap by the coconut shell we must take initiative to topping the shell. by topping the shell means that we need to be carefully open our mind so that we are in the right path, xdelah sesat barat... and of coz we need to be prepared to be a free mind. then we must be able to adjust to the new free mind world that we are open to. the last but not least we must avoid from being entrapped again. we must always creatively use our mind to think and don't ever misuse it. (haa faham x?.kalo xfaham bukak minda anda...)
a picture with a thousands thoughts

I could not agree more with dr. Bakri, because for ones to be a free mind person he/she must identify whether he/she is closed minded person. for me, the first time i found out that i'm a closed minded person when i did some personality test in psychology. the personality test help me to know that i was a closed minded person( which dat time i really dont believe it) but well to be an open minded person we must accept the feedback. because of that i try to improve the way i think and get to know myself and my surrounding well. however, im always thinks that a free mind person need to has a guidance so that he/she are on the straight path "almustaqeem"..

last but not least, for me religion must not be separated from life because religion especially Islam, 'the way of life' is not just a ritual in everyday life but it is like our spirit or soul. and if it is separated from our life. it is like we live with a body without a soul. It is clear that in al-Quran, islam in not just a ritual but the way of life..and i believe there is no needs any assumption or interpretation to understand al-Quran because al-Quran itu sdh jelas dan perlu diutamakan sebagai panduan hidup...

so guys hope you all will open your heart and open your mind. thank you.

ps:a free mind must has some guidance so that we dont sway away from the right path. it will comes with the modesty and austerity of oneself

pictures' credits to Rabbi Simcha Weinberg and its owner.