Friday, February 11, 2011

Saya Dah Besar Dah

That are the word that i'm always say whenever my parents treating me as a child.
yeah it's true that they always want the best from me and hope me to be the best son. well actually im always be the best son..haha..because im the only one son that they have.:P

but be the only son and getting older, here comes the great responsibility.

so now as i already 21 years old i have been thinking what will i do in my sweet 21.well isn't sweet when you became 21 years old? of coz you can drink in the bar, go clubbing and so on without worrying any legal action. it is legal age for you to do everything..maximum happiness+dosa..haha. but as i said before getting older doesn't mean you can do anything in your life because it will comes with greater responsibility. like in the spiderman movie "with the great power comes the great responsibility"..*ade kena mengena ke?

lawa en :)

anyway, just wanna say thanks you all for the wishes. especially to my family and her..I love you allz lah..

Ps:now i can vote in the next election and "mak nak kawen boleh?"..haha


Anonymous said...

amboi..gatai ye nak kawen.
bru 21 laa cik nab

p/s : mmg lawa yg asz wat 2.. :)

asmiza said...

boleh boleh. mak ckp. hahaha :P

jgn msuk club plak aw. huuu :p

Muhammad Nabil Abdul Hamid said...

ala org dlu umur belas2 da kawen..haha..eh2..awk 2 bkn mak sy..:P..nk try rnnti msk club..haha

asmiza said...

ehh bukan ea ? ngat mak awk td :P
try ahh, t cite pengalaman =,=

fafa said...

heheh, suwittt nyee. sape yg buat tuh? awek yeekk? hahahahah

Muhammad Nabil Abdul Hamid said...

of coz la..sweet en awek i :P..mesti kembang da die..haha

sarah. said...

amboi~ aku pun nak buat kat acap gini la. mesti acap ckp aku sweet an~ :D :D ahahahaha!

Muhammad Nabil Abdul Hamid said...

korg dua mne sweet..sengal je..muahaha..:P

ramenramen said...

mesti ckp sweet? awak neh konfidential jer yg org akn ckp awak sweet. lol~
to nabil: sori bil. sarah neh mmg cmne. hehehe~

asmiza said...

to nabil : acap ngn sarah mang camnih, mbahahah :P

Muhammad Nabil Abdul Hamid said...

i know..haha..agk r acap..sarah bjet org ckp die sweet..:P